Rabu, 05 Agustus 2015

Pustaka Perancangan Pabrik Kimia

Untuk merancang pabrik kimia dibutuhkan buku-buku antara lain sebagai berikut :

Arthur and Rose, 1952, The Condensed Chemical Dictionary, Reinhold Publising Corporation, New York
Aries, R.S., and Newton, R.D., 1955, Chemical Engineering Cost Estimation, McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York
Biro Pusat Statistik, 2000-2007, Statistik Perdagangan Luar Negeri Indonesia, Volume I & II, Jakarta, PT. Cakra Indah Pustaka
Brown , G.G., 1978, Unit Operation, Modern Asia Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York.
Brownell, L.E., Young, E.H, 1950, Process Equiment Design, John Willey and Sons, Inc., New York.
Budiaman, IG, 2007, Perancangan Reaktor, Diktat Kuliah, UPN “V” Yogyakarta
Faith, W.L., Keyes, D.B., Clark, R.L., 1975, Industrial Chemical. 4 ed, John Willey and Sons, Inc., New York.  
Fogler, H Scott, 1999, Element of Chemical reaction, Prentice Hall
Groggins, P H, 1958, Unit Processes in Organic Synthesis, Mcgraw-Hill, Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo
http//www.cheresources.com/software.shtml, data Antoin
http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.wikipedia®/ 27 February 2009
Kern, D.Q., 1965, Process Heat Transfer, McGraw-Hill, Singapore
Krutzch, W.C., and Cooper, Paul, 1976, Introduction Classification and selection of Pumps, 3rded, McGraw-Hill Co.,Inc., New York
Ludwig, E.E., 1967, Applied Process Design for Chemical and Petrochemical Plants, 2 nd ed., Vol I,II,III, Gilf Publishing Co., Houston, Texas.
McKetta, John J, 1993, Chemical Processing Handbook, Dekker Inc, New York
Missen, R.W, Mims, C.A., and Saville, 1999, Introduction to Chemical Reaction Engineering and Kinetic
Perry, R.H. and don Green, 1984, Chemical Engineering Handbooks 6 th ed., McGraw-Hill, Singapore.
Powel, S.T. 1954, Water Conditioning for Industry, 1th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc., Tokyo.
Reid, K.C., and Sherwood, T.K., 1966, “Property of Gases and Liquid”, 2nd ed., McGraw Hill Co. Ltd., New York
Solomon, T W Graham, 1976, Organic Chemistry, Wiley International Edition
Treyball, R.E., 1979, “Mass Transfer Operations”, 3rd ed., McGraw Hill Book Kogakusha, Tokyo
Vilbrant & Dryden, 1959, Chemical Engineering Plant Design,4thed, Mcgraw-Hill, Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo
Walas, S.M., 1959, Reaction Kinetics for Chemical Engineers, Mcgraw-Hill, Kogakusha, Ltd., Tokyo
Widayati, 2009, Perancangan Pabrik Kimia 2, Diktat Kuliah, UPN “V” Yogyakarta

Sumber :

Putra, Mudji Nur Isa & Sudiantara, I Gede.2010, "Pra Rancangan Pabrik Diklorometana
dari Metana dan Klor Kapasitas 12000 ton/tahun".UPN "V". Yogyakarta

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